Friday, October 26, 2001

monkey shopping
Though I do get really, really, really excited at the mere inkling of a Pygmy Marmoset I do not advocate keeping one as a pet.
I just got up to go get a drink. There were literally people gathered around the water cooler, talking about the upcoming money switch. (Well, actually, it was three people at the coffee machine, but "gathered around the water cooler" just sounds so damn good.)
I listened to that "Mr. Oysterhead" song and, I dunno, I could have sworn that I heard muppets singing in the background. Did those crazy rats go and start a band with Les and Trey?

Thursday, October 25, 2001

Multimillionaire Sting is going to make even more money today. I miss the Police. I wonder what Andy and Stewart are doing. Not singing Satan's praises, surely. I owe the idea for this link to tom.
Here come the male strippers.
It's everyone's favorite modular spud.

Wednesday, October 24, 2001

The fact that there is a scientific organization studying the mysterious sasquatch (aka bigfoot) is a great comfort to me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2001

I have the 2 c.d. set of course...
Mr. Sidebottom
tom - that was so beautifully bizarre. I will never be the same again.

Mary says
duck - the seamonkey link is great!

Mr. Show

Monday, October 22, 2001